Adam to Saul
Adam - Saul
This time chart has been prepared to provide the reader with a fairly close approximation of both when major Biblical events occurred, and which of the patriarchs, prophets, judges and kings were alive to take part in them. As can be seen by studying this chart, it is theoretically possible that Abraham could have obtained first hand knowledge about both the Noah's Ark and flood by talking to Shem. this is a fact which I had not eve considered before preparing this table. There are many other possible interrelationships which can also be observed as the reader travels through the ages from Adam to Saul.
The dates provided are based upon an adherence to Scriptural figures when these figures are provided. While this is not intended to be an exercise in end time date setting, I do wish to emphasis that I believe the dates used are fairly close approximations based upon calculations derived from the Scripture citations quoted. the major point of reference used was the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BC, as this is the one date upon which virtually all archeologist and theologians - both liberal and conservative - can agree upon. A 100% accurate dating system would be virtually impossible to obtain because of numerous problems which arise concerning which calendars are used and how many days are included in each year.
Gen. 2:7 ----------- Adam………………….………………………………………………………….……………………….......………….…... 4179 BC
Gen. 5:3 ----------Adam 130 had Seth…………….……..………………………………………….…………………………......……….….... 4049 BC
Gen. 5:6 -----------Adam 235, Seth 105 had Enosh……..……..…………………………………….……………………………........…….….. 3944 BC
Gen. 5:9 ---------- Adam 325, Seth 195, Enosh was 90 had Kenan…….……………..……………..……………………………….......….….. 3854 BC
Gen. 5:12---------- Adam 395, Seth 265, Enosh 160, Kenan was 70 had Mahalalel……………….………………………………….......….…. 3784 BC
Gen. 5:15--------- Adam 460, Seth 330, Enosh 225, Kenan 135, Mahalalel was 65 had Jared……………..………………………….......….… 3719 BC
Gen. 5:18--------- Adam 622, Seth 492, Enosh 387, Kenan 297, Mahalalel 227, Jared was 162 had Enoch…………..………………......….... 3557 BC
Gen. 5:21--------- Adam 687, Seth 557, Enosh 452, Kenan 362, Mahalalel 292, Jared 227, Enoch was 65 had Methuselah…………....…...... 3492 BC
Gen. 5:25---------Adam 874, Seth 744, Enosh 639, Kenan 549, Mahalalel 479, Jared 414, Enoch 252, Methuselah was 187 had Lemech........ 3245 BC
Gen. 5:5 ---------Adam dies 930, Seth 800, Enosh 695, Kenan 605, Mahalalel 535, Jared 470, Enosh 308, Methuselah 243, Lamech 56........ 3249 BC
Gen. 5:23-24-----Seth 857, Enosh 752, Kenan 622, Mahalalel 592, Jared 527, Enoch translated 376, Methuselah 300, Lamech 113…......… 3192 BC
Gen. 5:8----------Seth dies 912, Enosh 807, Kenan 717, Mahalalel 647, Jared 582, Methuselah 355, Lamech 168.………….....………...…… 3137 BC
Gen. 5:28---------Enosh 821, Kenan 731, Mahalalel 661, Jared 596, Methuselah 369, Lamech was 182 had Noah…...……...……...…...……. 3123 BC
Gen. 5:11---------Enosh dies 905, Kenan 815, Mahalalel 745, Jared 680, Methuselah 453, Lamech 266, Noah 84….….…..… ...………..... 3039 BC
Gen. 5:14---------Kenan dies 910, Mahalalel 840, Jared 775, Methuselah 548, Lamech 361, Noah 179……………….......…….....…………. 2944 BC
Gen. 5:17---------Mahalalel dies 895, Jared 830, Methuselah 603, Lamech 416, Noah 234………………………….......….……....…………. 2889 BC
Gen. 5:20---------Jared dies 962, Methuselah 735, Lamech 548, Noah 366………………….……………………….......….…...……………. . 2757 BC
Gen. 5:32&11:10 Methuselah 872, Lamech 685, Noah was 503 had Shem……………………..……….……………...…….…..………...….. 2620 BC
Gen. 5:31---------Methuselah 964, Lamech dies 777, Noah 595, Shem 92……………………….……………………......……...……..……… 2528 BC
Gen. 5:27---------Methuselah dies 969, Noah 600, Shem 97 (1656 years from Adam) FLOOD occurs……….......….…………....…….….…. 2523 BC
Gen. 11:10-------Noah 603, Shem was 100 had Arphaxad……………………….………………………………….....…………..…….....….... 2520 BC
Gen. 11:12-------Noah 638, Shem 135, Arphaxad was 35 had Shelah…………………..……………………………...……….…....…...…..... 2485 BC
Gen. 11:14-------Noah 668, Shem 165, Arphaxad 65, Shelah was 30 had Eber (now 67 years after flood) …………....…..……..………..……. 2455 BC
Gen. 11:16-------Noah 702, Shem 199, Arphaxad 99, Shelah 64, Eber was 34 had Peleg…see note A…………………..………......…..….…. 2421 BC
Gen. 11:18-------Noah 732, Shem 229, Arphaxad 129, Shelah 94, Eber 64, Peleg was 30 had Reu…………..………………….……....………2391 BC
Gen. 11:20 ------Noah 747, Shem 262, Arphaxad 161, Shelah 126, Eber 96, Peleg 62, Reu was 32 had Serug……………………….……...... 2359 BC
Gen. 11:22-------Noah 794, Shem 291, Arphaxad 191, Shelah 156, Eber 126, Peleg 92, Reu 62, Serug was 30 had Nahor see note B .....…2329 BC
Gen. 11:24------ Noah 823, Shem 320, Arphaxad 220, Shelah 185, Eber 155, Peleg 121, Reu 91, Serug 59, Nahor was 29 had Terah ….....…2300 BC
Gen. 11:19-------Noah 941, Shem 438, Arphaxad 338, Shelah 303, Eber 273, Peleg dies, Reu 209, Serug 177, Nahor 147, Terah 118 …...….2182 BC
Gen. 11:25-------Noah 942, Shem 438, Arphaxad 339, Shelah 304, Eber 274, Reu 210, Nahor dies 148, Serug 178, Terah 119 ………..…... 2181 BC
Gen. 9:29--------Noah dies 950, Shem 447, Arphaxad 347, Shelah 312, Eber 282, Reu 218, Serug 186, Terah 126……………………….…... 2173 BC
Gen. 11:26&12:4&Acts7:4 Shem 451, Arphaxad 351, Shelah 316, Eber 286, Reu 222, Serug 190 Terah was 130 had Abraham………..…… 2169 BC
Gen. 11:21------Abraham 17, Shem 468, Arphaxad 368, Shelah 333, Eber 303, Reu dies 239, Serug 207, Terah 147…………….....….….… .2152 BC
Gen. 17:17------Abraham 40, Shem 491, Arphaxad 391, Shelah 356, Eber 326, Serug dies 230, Terah 170…………..………………....…… ..2130 BC
Gen. 12:4 & 11:32 Abraham 75 leaves Haran, Terah dies 205, Shem 526, Arphaxad 426, Shelah 391, Eber 361 see note C…………....……. 2095 BC
Gen. 16:16------Abraham 86 when Ishamel born to Hagar, Shem 537, Arphaxad 437, Shelah 402, Eber 372 … see note D…………...….…….2084 BC
Gen. 11:13------Abraham 87, Ishamel 1, Shem 538 Arphaxad dies 438, Shelah 403, Eber 373……………….……………………......…...… 2083 BC
Gen. 17:17&18:10- Abraham 100 when Isaac born to Sarah, Shem 551, Shelah 416, Eber 386…see note E………………….…....…..……….2070 BC
Gen. 11:15------Abraham 117, Isaac 17, Shem 568, Shelah dies 433, Eber 403…………………………………………….…....….....……….. 2053 BC
Gen. 25:20------Abraham 140, Isaac 40 when he married Rebekah, Shem 591, Eber 426…………………….………..……………...…………..2030 BC
Gen. 11:11------Abraham 149, Isaac 49, Shem dies 600, Eber 435…………………………………………………….....…….….….…………..2021 BC
Gen. 25:26------Abraham 160, Isaac 60 had Jacob and Esau, Eber 446……………………………………………….....………….….…...……..2010 BC
Gen. 25:7-------Abraham dies 175, Isaac 75, Jacob and Esau 15, Eber 461…………………………………………......………..….………….. 1995 BC
Gen. 11:17Isaac 78, Jacob 18, Eber dies 464…………………………………………………………………………….....………….…………. 1992 BC
see 'Jacob 130' below - Isaac 151, Jacob 91 had Joseph, Jacob wishes to leave Labon (Gen.30:25)……………………...……………..………..1918 BC
Gen. 37:2Isaac 168, Jacob 108, Joseph 17 and had dreams (now 605 years after the flood)…………………………….....…………….….…….1902 BC
Gen. 35:28------Isaac dies 180, Jacob 120, Joseph 29 and in Egyptian prison…………………………………….....……………..………..….. 1890 BC
Gen. 47&45:6&41:53 &46Jacob now 130 comes to Egypt, Joseph 39 and Prime Minister of Egypt, 7 good years have.occurred, now in 3rd year of famine……………………………………………………………………………….....……………………………………….……….1880 BC
Gen. 47:28----- Jacob dies 147, Joseph 56………………………………………………………………………………….….………….......…. 1863 BC
Gen. 50:26-----Joseph dies 110……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….......….. 1809 BC
Ex. 7:7,24;12:40 Aaron born, Miriam already alive…………………………………………………………………….…………………....…… 1533 BC
Ex. 7:7;12:40---Moses born, Aaron 3 (time is 80 years prior to Exodus, Moses is Jacob's great-great-grandson - Gen.6:13-24………....…… ..1530 BC
???---------------Moses 20, Aaron 23, Joshua born …………………………………………………………………………………….....….……. 1510 BC
Acts 7:23-------Moses age 40 - kills Egyptian and glees to Midian, Aaron 43, Calib born (Joshua 14:7 & Nu. 13:6)……………….....….…… 1490 BC
Acts 7:30, Ex. 7:7 Ex. 12:40 (see also Ex. 19:1; I Ki. 6:1 & Acts 13:20 Moses 80, Aaron 83 - burning bush, Moses returns to Egypt, plagues on Egypt, Exodus begins, giving of law on Mt Sinai ….see note F… (now 1073 years after the flood)……............….…….……… 1450 BC
Nu. 33:39, Deut. 34:7 & Acts 7:36 Moses dies 120, Aaron dies 123, Exodus ends - Israelites enter Canaan……………...…………….…….. 1410 BC
Joshua 24:29&Judges 2:10 Joshua dies 110…………………………………………………………………………………....…………...... .... 1400 BC
Judges 3:8------Cushan - Rishathaim, king of Aram Naharaim oppresses Israel 8 years….see note G……………………...……………. .1387 - 1379BC
Judges 3:9-11--Othaiel (Caleb's younger brother - see note H) defeats Cushan Rishathaim, 40 years peaceful judgeship…...………...… 1379 - 1339 BC
Judges 3:12-14-Eglon - King of Moab - oppresses Israel 18 years ……………………………………………………………...…...….. 1339 - 1321 BC
Judges 3:30-----Ehud kills Eglan and defeats Moabites, 80 years peaceful judgeship (Shamgar co-judges - see note I)………..…..…... 2113 - 1241 BC
Judges 4:24-----Jabin - King of Canaan from Hazor oppresses Israel 20 years………..………………………………..…….....……….. 2141 - 1221 BC
Judges 5:31; 4:14--Jael kills Jabin's chariot commander - see note J, Deborah than has 40 years peaceful judgeship…see note K….…. 1221 - 1181 BC
Judges 6:1-------Midianites opress Israel 7 years ……………………………………………………………………………….....……… 1181 - 1174 BC
Judges 7:16-22&8:28 Gideon leads army of 300 and defeats Midianites, 40 years peaceful judgeship……………………......………... 1174 - 1134 BC
Judges 9:22;8:31-Abimelech, son of Gideon by his concubine Shechem, oppresses Israel 3 years ….……………………....…….…. . 1 134 - 1131 BC
Judges 10:1-2----Tola judges Israel 23 years in hill country of Ephriam………………….…………………………………..…..……… 1131 - 1108 BC
I Sam.4:15Eli begins priesthood/judgeship at age 58 (Aaron's great-great-great-great grandson in line of Ithamar, see I Sam. 22:9&20; 14:3; 2:34; I Chron. 24:3 & I Ki.2:26-27 ……………………………………….…………………………………………………………. …… 1120 BC
Judges 10:3-5----Jair judges 22 years in hill country of Gilead…see note L…………………………………..……………… …..…… 1131 - 1109 BC
Judges 10:8-------Philistines & Ammonites oppress Israel 18 years. This period begins at end of Tola's judgeship …………………... 1108 - 1190 BC
I Sam. 1:24-------Samuel joins Eli ………………………………………….……………………………………….………...………………… .1100 BC
Judges 12:7------Jephthah defeats Philistines & Ammonites, 6 years judgeship..see note M…………………………….....…………… 1096 - 1090 BC
I Sam. 3----------Samuel called by God……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… 1095 BC
Judges 12:9------Ibzan judges 7 years in Judah…see note N………………………………………………………………...………..…. 1096 - 1089 BC
Judges 12:13-14-Abon judges 8 years in Ephriam …see note N……………………………………….…………………..…………… 1096 - 1089 BC
Judges 12:11-----Elon judges 10 years in Zebulan …see note N ………………………………….………………………..…………... 1096 - 1089 BC
Judges 13:1------Philistines oppress Israel 40 years……………………………………………………………………..…......………... 1087 - 1047 BC
I Sam. 4:15------Eli dies 98, Ark captured by the Philistines - returned 7 months later, Samuel about 25 …….……………..………………. .1080 BC
I Sam. 7:2-------Samuel about 45, battles Philistines at Mizpah………………………………………….……..……….……..……………….. 1060 BC
Judges 15:20;16:31 Samson judges 20 years…see note O…………………………………………………..………….…….…………. 1067 - 1047 BC
I Sam. 9 Samuel anoints Saul ……………………………………………………………………………..…………………...………………… 1047 BC
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We will also enclose a 3 page time line from the time of Saul forward entitled 'Kings & Prophets'
A) see Gen. 10:25. During early or middle part of Peleg's life, it would appear that the tower of Babel was built by the descendants of Ham, one of Noah's other sons (Gen. 10:6,8&10; 11:12 and I Chron. 1:19)
B) Nahor and Terah worshipped false gods (Joshua 24:2)
C) Abraham was called by God sometime prior to his arrival in Haran, but delayed in going to Canaan until now (see Acts 7:2-4)
D) Ishmael lives 137 years. (see Gen.25:17)
E) Sometime prior to Isaac's birth, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed (see Gen.18:10 with 17:17; see also Gen. 18:6 - 19:29)
F) I Ki.6:1 cannot be dismissed as symbolic for a period of only 300 years or 12 generations. 450 year period of Acts 13:20 begins with entrance into Egypt. "About 450 years…" is merely an approximation for purposes of discussion. Actual figure appears to be close to 480 years.
According to one theory the Exodus did not occur until between 1220 and 1200 BC. In order to use this date, it is necessary to make 4 assumptions. 1) The 480 year figure of I Ki.6:1 does not mean what it says, but is symbolic for 12 generations which would only be 300 years. 2) The 300 year figure used by Jepthah in Judges 11:26 must be considered a gross exaggeration. 3) Moses' 40 year sojourn in Midian in Acts 7:23 wasn't 40 years, but simply a 'long time.' 4) the 300 plus years needed for the period of the judges can be reduced down to 150 years. I cannot make these assumptions and still believe II Tim.3:16. The so called 'late date' for the Exodus forces you to throw out many other Scriptures, and is therefore not an acceptable theory.
Allow me to give a word of caution about study Bible column notes. They are not always accurate especially when they have been provided by different men with differing views on the inerrancy of Scripture. For example, the Open Bible KJV 1975 Edition shows 1706 BC as the date Jacob and his family came to Egypt in it's headnote to Genesis chapter 46; yet, the date of the Exodus is given as 1450 BC in the headnote to Exodus chapter 12. Therefore, the total time in Egypt according to these two dates is only 256 years even though Ex.12:40 clearly says it was 430 years. The date used in Genesis 46 must therefore be extremely inaccurate unless that commentator intends to use the late date for the Exodus, which in and of itself presents the reader with the 4 problems mentioned above.
G) An exact chronology of the Judges and Eli and Samuel's relationship to them cannot be determined. the exact beginning of the Judges period is not known, nor is Samuel's age at the time of his death. The chronology used in this section attempts to incorporate biblical inerrancy within the framework of 480 years from the Exodus to the 4th year of Solomon's rule referred to in I Ki.6:1. Thirteen years from the death of Joshua to the people's forgetting about God would appear to be a long enough period of time (see Judges 2:17).
H) Could not have been born any earlier than 1469 BC, otherwise he would not have entered Canaan - Joshua 5:6
I) "After Ehud" in 3:31 does not refer to Ehud's death, but means 'After Ehud began judging." According to 4:1, chaos arose after Ehud's death, not another judge.
J) Wife of Heber drove tent stake into Sisera's head while he slept - see 4:31.
K) Deborah may well have been judging for a period of time before the 40 years of peace.
L) "After him" refers to Abimelech, not Tola. This is another example of co-judgeship.
M) Judgeship could not have been during 12th year of Philistine oppression, not that these verses do not show us that there was peace during his term.
N) "After him" refers to Jepthah, another example of co-judgeship
O) Judgeship could have begun during 20th year of Philistine oppression, 6 years before Samuel decisive battle at Mazaph. Samuel and Samson could well have been co-judges. Acts 13:20 does not exclude this possibility of an overlap (see Moffat's translation). This would mean that the era of the judges did not end when Samuel began his career, but at it's end. Note in this regard that I Sam. 7:15-18 refers to Samuel as a judge. He was both a judge and a prophet.