Chap 1 Why Flesh?


A friend once asked me, "After Adam sinned, why didn't God simply forgive mankind and take back from satan that which man had given him?" Why was it necessary for Jesus to come as a man and die on the cross? We can answer that question by simply saying that it was necessary in order to save us from our sins, but there is more - much more. I believe that the full answer to that question will give us an insight into both the intricacy of God's Word, and the simple beauty of His directions to us. The answer rests on the same spiritual foundation as do the facts of divine healing, receiving after first giving, and walking by faith and not by sight. If I were to say that a spiritual law required that God do as He did, I would not be referring to the Old Testament Mosaic law, but to principles instituted and followed by God Himself.  

There are certain Kingdom principles which God has set down, which do not change. One of the most important of these is: 'God does not lie' (Titus 1:2, Heb.6:18, I Sam.15:29, & Nu.23: 19). God's Word, present at the very creation of all things, (John 1:2), does not change (Heb. 6:17, Ja.1:17, Mal.3:6, Heb.1:11-12). It is as true now as it was then, and will be in the future (Heb.13:8). If God says it, that's it. He will not speak without putting into operation that which He has said (Nu.23:19, Josh.21:45, & Ps.145:13).  

In this regard Ps.89:34 can be viewed as one of the most reassuring Scriptures in the Bible. It states: "I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered." Keeping these three principles in mind; namely, 1) God does not lie, 2) God's nature is unchanging, and 3) God does not speak without acting upon that which He has said, let us now return to the question we asked at the beginning of this study. As we get deeper into this study, we will see that the topic we are examining can actually be dealt with on three different levels.  

The first level deals with the surface answer to the question at hand. Namely, why was it necessary for God to become a physical man and die in order to save us? The second level would be to point out the relationship between the answer to that question and the wisdom which God wishes us to have according to Prov.4:7. The third level will touch upon the topic of just exactly where it is that this spiritual wisdom is leading us.  

The kingdom principle, which necessitated the humanity of Jesus, was set down by God even before Adam sinned. Man was given authority over the earth and all that dwells in, on, or over it (Gen.1:26 & Ps.115:16). That's the principle. Man was given authority. For God to now override that authority would mean that He would have to go back on His Word. And as we have just seen, that is something which God will not do.  

When Adam sinned, he gave up his authority to satan (Ro.5:12). As such, as men, we were all condemned (Ro.5:18). If we refer back to Matt.4:9 we find satan telling Jesus that if Jesus would bow down and worship him, he (satan) would give Jesus all the kingdoms of this world. Please note that Jesus did not deny satan's right or authority to the kingdoms of the world at that time.  

Since man gave it up, only a man could get it back. If this is true, then God, acting under the kingdom principle He Himself had set down, would recognize that principle and act accordingly. He did! Heb.2:14 says that since we were flesh He shared in our humanity so that by his death He might destroy him who holds the power of death. The Greek word translated `since' is epei which carries the connotation that `because' we were flesh, Jesus had to be flesh. To put it another way, due to the fact that we as God's children had flesh, He had to have flesh.  

Knowing that He became flesh because we were flesh is the first step. But did that flesh have to die? Lev.17:11 states that it is blood which makes for atonement yet, we know from I Pe.1:19 that Jesus' blood did more than simply atone (cover) our sin. I John 1:7 tells us that Jesus' blood actually purified us from every sin. As we search further in the New Testament we find a direct answer to our question. Heb.9:17 says a covenant, or will, is in effect only when someone dies. Heb.9:22 confirms this by making it clear that without the actual shedding of blood, there could be no forgiveness. Our spirit does not die. In fact, we know clearly that our Spirit returns to the very God who gave it (Eccl.12:7). Only a body can die.  

Knowing that there must be death, and that a body is necessary in order to experience death, we are left with one final question. "Why was it necessary for Jesus to actually become sin and bear that additional agony for us?" Ro.5:12 informs us that death is a direct result of sin. I Cor.15:21 adds to this information by reminding us that it was by one man's sin that death entered into the world. (Remember, death is our enemy - I Cor.15:26). At this point we can see another kingdom principle revealed: Man brought sin, and sin brought death; hence, no sin - no death. Jesus was free of sin at birth (Gal. 4:4), and He knew no sin during His life (II Cor.5:21). Since we know that death can come about only through sin, we have the answer to our question. Jesus had to be made sin in order for His physical body to die!  

Now we are better able to comprehend the depth of the love which God has for us, and what it truly means to submit to the Father in love. In the garden Jesus knew that He was going to die. But even more amazing is the fact that the very God who had for a little while set aside the totality of His power and become a little lower then the angels (Heb.2:7), was now going to take upon Himself the very agony of sin in order for His body to die and thereby save us.  

Surely greater love hath no man then that which Jesus has expressed for us. It wasn't just the fact that He knew He was going to die which caused Him such agony so as to bring forth drops of blood. After all, He referred to His forthcoming death on numerous occasions (Matt.16:21, Matt.17:23 & Matt.20:19). I believe that it was the fact that He knew that His death could only come about when He Himself, while hanging on that cross, took upon His body the sins of the whole world. Remember, that was the same body which had been glorified by the Father on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt.17:9). But now it was going to have to under go the degradation of becoming sin.  

He knew the kingdom principles involved. He bore our sins on His body that we, having been crucified with Him, would not have to die (I Pe.2:24 & Gal.2:20). My sin nature was crucified with Him (Ro. 6:6), and He has now disarmed the powers and authorities (Eph.6:12) making a public spectacle of them (Col.2:15). He did all this according to the principles the Father had set down:  

1) Man has authority over the earth, and only a man could save it.  

2) Death is necessary to put a covenant of redemption into effect.  

3) Spirit cannot die, only a body dies.  

4) Bodies die only because of sin.  

5) Christ had to become sin in order to physically die.  

At this point the sheer beauty and simplicity of the Word begins to shine forth. All we have to do is, through prayer ask, seek, and find the kingdom principles in the Word (Matt.7:7). We then submit to them out of love, and they will work. God Himself followed His kingdom principles.  

We have now come full circle. Returning for a moment to Heb.2:14 we see that, "so that by His death He might destroy Him who holds the power of death..." Not only do we know that Jesus' death was necessary, but at this point we know and understand more then satan. Look back to I Cor.2:8 wherein we are told that "none of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory."  

If satan had understood the kingdom principle which we have just gone through, he would not have wanted Jesus to die. satan could not understand these kingdom principles because vs. 11 shows us that no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Verse 14 then goes on to tell us that a man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them. Since satan does not have God's Spirit about him, he could not look at the Scriptures and see the kingdom principles with which we are dealing. All he could see is wisdom in the worldly since. But I Cor.3:19 tells us that the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight.  

At this point we can see that spiritual wisdom, as opposed to worldly wisdom, is indeed important for us to obtain. It is only with such wisdom that we can see and understand what God is trying to show us in His Word. That would most certainly explain why Prov.4:7 places such importance on the wisdom which is obtained only through the Spirit of God. This brings us to the third level of understanding which this lesson is addressing.  

What is the purpose for such spiritual wisdom? Why does the Lord want us to have this blessing? The answer to these questions is found in I Cor.2:7. Referring to God's wisdom we are told that it is "... a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began." (emphasis added) THIS WISDOM IS DESTINED FOR OUR GLORY!!! Earlier in this lesson I referred to the glorification of Jesus' body on the Mount of Transfiguration. I Pe.1:17 records Peter's observation of that event wherein it says "...for He (Jesus) received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to Him from the majestic glory ..." On the Mount of Transfiguration Jesus' physical body radiated the glory of God, and I Cor.2:7 said that God's secret wisdom has been destined for our glory.  

Reviewing the three principles involved in the first level of this lesson we find:  

1) God cannot lie,  

2) God's nature is unchanging,  

3) God puts into effect that which he has spoken.  

Since these three principles are true, and God wants us to radiate His glory at some point in the future, then he must have wanted it in the past. Gen.3:8 tells us that the Lord walked in the garden in the cool of the day looking for Adam. Until the time of Adam's sin, he dealt directly with God, one on one, face to face. He had the Lord's glory. His nakedness came about only when the glory disappeared. The important thing though is that God wanted to deal with Adam one on one.  

In Gen.18:22 we see that God talked with Abraham and dealt with him directly. In Deut.5:25 we see that God wanted to deal directly with the Israelites in the wilderness. However, they rejected Him and would not deal with Him individually. In I Sam.8:7 the Lord told Samuel that it is not Samuel who the people rejected, but the Lord. God had wanted to deal directly with His people, but they rejected Him. If we turn to Rev.21:3 we will see that our destiny is still to dwell with God. The glory will return to His people. The wisdom that He wishes us to have opens up His Word to us so that we can love Him more, and put off the old nature (Ro.12:2 & 8:11-14). He desires for us to learn to walk with Him in the garden in the cool of the day.  

John 14:23 tells us that if anyone loves God they will obey His teachings. Jesus tells us that the Father will love us and that They will come to the one who loves Him and make Their home in him. In vs. 16 He promised to give us another Counselor - the Holy Spirit - to be with us so that we can have this wisdom. With the Holy Spirit comes the ability, the power - the dunamis - to obey His teachings.  

He swore by Himself to confirm His covenant with Abraham (Gen.22:16-17 & Ex.32:13). That covenant was kept (Matt.1:1-17). His Word is now the surety of His covenant with us (Heb.7: 22). These principles will work according to His Word. God Himself followed the kingdom principles which He set down, and because of that I have salvation. I can walk in victory through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (II Cor.2:14, Phil.3:9, Ro.4:22 & I Cor.6:11). If you know in your heart that you are saved, then you are relying on that principle (Rev.3:20, Ro.10:13, Ro.10:9, Acts 16:31, I John 4:15, John 1:12, 6:37, 10:9 & Joel 2:32).  

If you have the faith to accept that, then there is no reason to doubt that God's other principles are just as effective, just as reliable, and just as final as the principle upon which your very salvation rests - Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection brought you life. Praise God, if one principle is true, then they all are. I am healed (Isa.53:5). All my needs are met according to His riches in Christ Jesus (Phil.4:19). I am a Son of God (Ro.8:14 & I John 3:1).