God's Pattern
Have you ever noticed that all to frequently the person who insists that we can make the Bible say anything we want has probably not spent much time reading it for himself? Or that the person who insists we really can't know God's will for our lives bases this claim in part upon Scripture verses taken out of context? While every believer needs to be on guard lest he be deceived by some false teaching, one of the beauties of God's Word is that while on the surface it is very simple and straightforward, if we will only make the effort to dig deeper into it, the very depth of its pattern will protect us from being led astray.
The Bible tells us that God speaks to us twice in order to confirm His Word. Within each of the three volumes which proceeds God's Pattern, I have attempted not only to cite to numerous Scriptures for each point presented, but I believe that I have shown how each point fits into God's overall plan of salvation for us in spirit, soul & body as that plan is revealed throughout the entire Bible.
It is easy to misinterpret a single page of a detailed architectural drawing when you do not have the entire blueprint to compare it with. However, when the whole plan is available, it is easier to see how each detail of the structure fits into the proposed building. While I do not claim to understand the entire Bible, I do believe that the concepts presented in Needful Things, A Closer Walk and The Last Enemy are found throughout the entire Bible, both Old and New Testament.
God's Pattern is a detailed (though my no means definitive) study of Moses' Tabernacle, and the Israelites' wilderness journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. While the surface details are interesting enough, it is not until you look beneath the surface of these facts and figures that you find the depth and majesty of God's plan. What's more, as you examine these details I believe that you will find that each of the concepts and ideas presented in the aforesaid three volumes are also found within the blueprint of the Tabernacle and the account of Israel's wanderings.
God does indeed speak to us twice. But as you shall see, in regards to most of what we have discussed up to this point, God has spoken to us again and again. I believe that He has done so not only to confirm His Word to us, but to show us the importance which He has placed on the complete salvation which He has for us in all three realms - spirit, soul and body. I further believe that He has done so in order to protect us. As we see how each of these concepts fits within God's whole plan for us, the chances of us being led astray by some doctrine or teaching which does not fit the pattern becomes smaller. It is for that purpose that I present this study.

This chapter introduces us to the Tabernacle, its placement within the camp of Israel and discusses the qualifications of the priests who were to serve within it. We are also introduced to the implications which these facts have for believers today.
The meanings behind the dimensions for the Tabernacle are discussed as are the reasons why certain materials and colors were used in it's construction. The relationship which the entrance gate, the Brazen Altar and the Laver have to Jesus' sacrifice and the salvation of our spirit are also examined.
Before taking a detailed look at the Middle Court/Holy Place and the Inner Court/Holy of Holies and the individual furnishings found within each of these areas, we must first look at the construction features of the Tent of Meeting which enclosed these areas. What we find is that just below the surface description of each dimension, each material, and the way each material was prepared is an incredible pattern which all points towards God's Glory.
This chapter begins to unfold the meaning behind each of the three articles found within the Middle Court; namely, the Lampstand, the Table of Shewbread and the Altar of Incense. Their relationship to the work of the Holy Spirit and the salvation of our soul is also explained.
The Ark of the Covenant is examined not only in terms of its dimensions and the material used in its construction, but its relationship to the Feast of Tabernacles, the salvation of our physical body, and our relationship with to Most High.
Having completed our discussion of the Tabernacle itself, our attention is now turned to the priests who minister within the Tabernacle. However, this study does not look at either the priest's garments or the sacrifices they offered. Rather, in this chapter an intriguing relationship is drawn between the duties of the priests under the Old Covenant and Jesus' ministry as set forth in the Gospel of John.
Nu.14:19-24 tells us that there was a direct relationship between the 10 times Israel tested God during the first 2 years of their wilderness journey and His refusal to allow them to enter the promised land. I Cor.10:6-13 goes on to tells us that their behavior should serve as a warning to those upon whom the end of the ages has fallen. This chapter examines the first three instances of Israel's testing God.
The fourth through seventh times of Israel's testing of God are examined in light of present day truths.
The eight, ninth and tenth time of testing are explored as well as God's reaction to that fatal tenth time. We also examine the relationship all this has to the end time Feast of Tabernacles and the future salvation spoken of in Ro.8:19-25 and Heb.9:28.
There were five final times of testing which took place during the final 38 years of Israel's wilderness journey. While these instances of testing are examined, we also summarize several of the positive examples which are found during Israel's 40 years of wandering in the desert.